Friday 20 November 2009

A New Beginning

Welcome to my new blog, "Peregrination: Japan."

I thought I needed a bit of a fresh start, having become rather bored with my original blog and well, increasingly neglectful of it. That, in addition to the fact that my blog goals have changed - I'm no longer discovering Japan the way I was nearly four years ago, laughing in delight at every use of awkward English and gawking at every bizarre sight that Japan is home to and then feverishly putting it on record for those at home to delight in. No, no longer.

I have gone from temporary visitor to something more. I'm trying to build a life here that goes beyond teaching English to the masses. I'm paying more attention to the subtle happenings that surround me, rather than just the spectacles. I'm trying to figure out where I fit in and if I can create a comfortable niche that balances my foreigner culture with my Japanese environment. In short, I'm trying to grow up. Let's see how it goes...

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