Saturday 15 May 2010

A Canadian Family in...Asakusa

Question: where, in Tokyo (and quite possibly Japan, and possibly even Asia and the world), are you most likely to find the highest concentration of foreigners?? If you answered Asakusa, you would be right.

If you're looking for souvenirs, then Asakusa is the place to go. If you want a huge temple with an impressive gate, and even a few shrines inside, then Asakusa is the place to go. If you want to see a brewery's office shaped like a mug of beer, then Asakusa is the place to go. It also has lots of tasty snacks and ice cream. 

Many things were purchased, lunch was had, long lines leading to the ladies' room were waited in and a boat was left un-boarded (for the time being, at least. Mwa ha ha ha ha). All in all, it was a good day, and a tiring one. Poor H fell asleep on the train ride home.

This picture is of my sisters and me eating some delicious ice cream. I made them get purple potato (murasaki imo), as it is pretty special. I got Japanese cherry (sakura) which was SO much better than any cherry flavour I have ever had in all my life. 

The lovely gate behind us is the second gate leading to the temple. The first is at the beginning of the shopping street and is scads more crowded. Yikes.

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