Saturday, 15 May 2010

Where, oh, where, does the time go...?

Okay, I'm fired. It has been, what, three months since my last entry?? This is what happens when you let one instance of accidentally-forgetting-the-memory-card-and-forgetting-where-the-camera-cable-is stupidity set you off course. I told myself I would find the cable and then continue posting in order. Of course, the cable was never found and things just got busy. 

Anyway, a little summary of the past few months is in order, methinks. 

March 31st. This is the day that my family came to Japan. H and I picked them up at the airport and played, in the words of my buddy Red over at Red's Travels, 'baggage tetris' (though I prefer the word 'luggage'). To make the game even more exciting, we added people to the mix - never was a more uncomfortable, yet joyous, trip made. I think I had first aid box edges imprinted into my leg for several days afterward.

A Glimpse of the Feast

The family, H and myself stayed at H's family home (upstairs semi-private apartments are wonderful things) for the first and last week of my family's stay. We were presented with a veritable feast on several occasions, care of my mother-in-law and an aunt - home-made tempura is pure heaven - and were left to our own devices for the rest of the time (my mother now adores H's cooking. It's a constant 'what oil does H use?', 'Can I get the same cabbage in Canada?' etc. barrage of questions. Unfortunately, my recent uselessness in the kitchen has only further spiralled into embarrassment). 

My family stayed for three weeks total. It's all a little long to get into in just one entry, so, I will leave it here for now and continue under a new title.

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